Stories of Our Country

A History of the United States

Narrative History for Curious Minds

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One day Bjarni the Traveler came to the hall of Erik the Red. He told a tale of a strange new land he had seen, far across the sea where no man had sailed before…

With these words, Stories of Our Country Volume I draws you into an engaging history of the United States of America, spanning from the early explorations of the Vikings to the creation of the Pony Express.

Through these stories, you will meet ordinary people who accomplished extraordinary things by their determination and persistence. You will be witness to the significant events which shaped a growing nation. And you will get a glimpse at what life was like in those long-ago days, so different from our modern times.


Table of Contents

Sample chapters

Chapter 1:
Leif the Lucky

Preview Chapter 1

Chapter 13:
The Pilgrims of Plymouth

Preview Chapter 13


Arriving at the next house in the dusk of early morning before anyone was astir, the fugitive knocked softly at the door.
“Who’s there?” a voice asked.
Then the runaway gave the password in answer. Perhaps it was “William Penn” or “a friend of friends.” Hearing it, the keeper of the underground station arose and let in the passenger.

The story of the United States continues in Stories of Our Country Volume II, spanning from the Underground Railroad to the Information Highway.

As you step into the pages of this book, you will escape with those brave individuals who traveled by night from slavery to freedom. You will experience the heart-wrenching battles that turned the tide in the War Between the States. You will get to know the many individuals whose creativity and hard work brought great prosperity to our nation. You will feel the sorrow mixed with high hopes as we sent our soldiers off to fight two World Wars and a Cold War.


Table of Contents

Sample chapters

Chapter 12:
Battle of the Ironclads

Preview Chapter 12

Chapter 60:
Trenches and Tanks

Preview Chapter 60

The stories in these volumes are largely drawn from turn-of-the-twentieth-century classic elementary history texts, first-hand accounts, military records, and government sites, all gently revised and combined with original material to bring the story of America up to the present time. Each book contains a chronology of important events, a comprehensive list of sources, and hundreds of black and white illustrations and photos. The rich language and well-told stories make these volumes a great choice for reading aloud with younger children or a high-interest independent read for older children.